Eastern European Collectors
Knoll Galria Budapest


HU  EN  DE  

Birkás Ákos: Jelentések

The Newcomers, 2008, olaj/vászon, 150 x 220 cm

20. November 2008 - 18. January 2009

The pictures of Ákos Birkás are easy to understand at first sight, but actually they are multi-layered. They show situations which are the results of long and slow historical movements or they are taking place in their present phase, and will have consequences in the future. However, Birkás makes not a kind of historical paintings of recent times. His characters are common people in everyday situations defined by the consequences of poltics and public life, and which have significant changes hidden behind. The scenes of the paintings and the figures that appear in them could be identified with locations and events of the world and with the people who live to see them. In this way the pictures by the chain of events give the chance for the viewer to conclude on multitude of possible meanings thus absorbing the work in an intimate and personal level.

Erzsébet Pilinger

Supported by:


Nemzeti Kulturális Alap