„From his early childhood he has stores images in his mind which spring from strong personal experiences, dreams and visions. ...
They may orifinate from direct observation, or they may be derived from television and photographs. In both cases, they consist of strong motifs which deserve to be collected as trophies. ...
Jan van der Pol’s paintings appeal to my sense of the tragic, being dealt with by a mind somewhat different from mine. ...
Collecting people. In the same way Jan van der Pol collects contemporary works of art and etnografic objects, he also brings human figures together in his work, right from the beginning of his career as an artist. ...
Just as with the heads, in the human figures and portraits we are dealing with types; elements from within Jan van der Pols’s own collection of human beings. ...
Architecture and landscape. ...
These images of memory are at the same time sharp and blurred. Sometimes there is an empty space in such a picture, as if there were a hole in the artists memory. ...“
Katalin Herzog